Les Fruits Défendus
This independent collective links fruit tree owners in Montreal with volunteer pickers to try to ensure that precious local food resources are not wasted. After harvest, the fruit that is picked is divided between the fruit tree owner, volunteer pickers and our organization.
Corbeille de Pain is proud to be assisting in the expansion of this collective, hosted by Santropol Roulant, to the West Island.

Fruit Tree Owners
West Island residents: Do you have a fruit tree or two in your yard? Volunteers who have signed up with Les Fruits Défendus can come and harvest the fruit when it's ripe: cherries, saskatoon berries, plums, pears, apples, grapes, redcurrant, gooseberries, and more.
Please click on the following button to register.

Volunteer Pickers
We need volunteers to pick the fruits when they are ripe. Not only will you be helping your neighbours and a local non-profit organization, as well as learn about harvesting fruit, but you will also get to keep a third of all the fruit that you have picked!
Interested? Please click on the button below to register.

Waste reduction
One third of the fruit picked will go to Corbeille de Pain to be used in food transformation. Most of these fruit based transformations will then be sold at our Solidarity Markets, so no wasted fruit!
Interested in buying these fruit based and locally produced items ? Please click on the button below to view our Solidarity Market schedule.